VPN software for corporations

Virtual Private Network software (often referred to as a “VPN software”) allows you to create a system that encrypts any data that you transmit over a desktop computer or mobile device, which can help to prevent that information from being intercepted by third parties. It has been estimated that North American users of anti tracking software will have grown from 17,000,000 to 28,000,000 by the beginning of 2013, and that there are about 240,000,000 internet users in the US today. A study titled “Why Johnny Cant Opt Out,” which was published in 2011 by Carnegie Mellon Universitys CyLab, found that 9 of the top anti tracking software systems had serious usability flaws.
As the world wide web becomes ever more “worldwide” (in 2000, the top 10 countries accounted for almost three quarters of all internet users, but, just 10 years later, that number had decreased to less than two thirds), it becomes increasingly important for corporations and businesses to consider using VPN software for anonymous browsing, brand protection, corporate privacy, the prevention of data scraping, and IP address privacy. Utilizing modern VPN software with anonymizer and IP rotation functions can keep your online activities hidden from competitors who are trying to get an edge on you by tracking your activities with their own web data mining software.
Do not let competitors use information about your browsing activities and habits against you. Reach out to companies offering VPN software, and ask how their products can help protect your valuable information from people trying to use it maliciously. Do not go online unprotected, and expose your corporate IP address and identity to all the web sites that you visit. It is like leaving a digital trail of breadcrumbs for your competitors to follow and use against you. Use Vpn software, and give your business the added protection it needs in todays competitive online business world.
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