The Proper Way to Use Concrete Acids

Transforming the appearance of concrete surfaces can be achieved through the skillful application of concrete acids. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the correct process to ensure optimal results:
1. Surface Preparation:
Begin by preparing the surface for the application of concrete acids. Use a plastic pump-up sprayer with a mixture of three parts water to one part surfactant.
Apply this mixture in circular motions, using a broom to agitate the surfactant into the concrete with figure-eight movements. This essential chemical process opens the pores of the concrete, allowing it to fully accept the subsequent acid stain.
2. Acid Stain Application:
Immediately after agitating with the broom, apply the concrete acid stain while ensuring the surface remains wet. This step is critical in achieving the desired transformation. Additionally, consider using a secondary color, like aqua blue, for added visual appeal. Allow the acid stain to react for a minimum of four hours to achieve the desired coloration.
3. Neutralization and Residue Removal:
Neutralize the acid stain reaction by applying a mixture of eight ounces of ammonia to five gallons of water. Agitate with a broom to remove residue, and then rinse the surface several times until all remnants of the stain are eliminated. This thorough neutralization ensures the concrete is ready for the next steps in the transformation process.
4. Sealing for a Polished Finish:
With the surface dry, the final step involves applying a solvent-based sealer using a cross-rail technique. This two-coat sealer application enhances the longevity and appearance of the stained concrete. Proper use of concrete acids, from preparation to sealing, guarantees a stunning and durable outcome for your concrete surfaces.
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