Skills your child will gain from physical education in school

A Montessori private school understands the benefits of physical education, whether it’s a standard PE class, motor skill-building activities, or after-school sports teams. According to the American Montessori Society, over 100 Montessori schools existed in the United States by 1916, and this number has only continued to grow. Here are the skills your child will gain from physical education in a Montessori setting.

General Fitness

Fitness is essential at any age. Regular physical fitness allows children to engage in activities from strength training to aerobics to intense sports teams. Gardening or taking field trips and walking in nature are common. Montessori students don’t sit still in class all day, as they can walk or run around and improve their cardiovascular health. Endurance levels are pushed through fitness and daily activities that transition into a healthy adulthood. At Montessori schools, children learn about nutrition and the scientific benefits of exercise to make better choices throughout their lives.

Individualized Physical Fitness Learning

All students aren’t pushed to become football players in the Montessori network. They enjoy specially tailored courses that may involve dance, yoga, sports, and other activities. Some may get fitness from various gardening programs.


Montessori private schools allow children to get more active with their teamwork and sportsmanship skills. The collaborative environment that Montessori fosters in the classroom continues with physical education activities, perhaps even more so. Children of all ages and backgrounds work in teams to score points and understand the rules of the game they’re playing. This teamwork helps in the classroom, as well as in their social life outside the school system.

Emotional Intelligence

Whether playing games in gym class or participating in team sports, private school physical education is a perfect time for children to test their emotional intelligence. Children have plenty of opportunities to manage their emotions and adrenaline, as they cope with winning or losing. They can learn to cope with losing while being happy for their friends or being a good winner who doesn’t rub it in people’s faces.

Physical education classes and extracurricular activities at your local Montessori private school provide a reprieve from being in the classroom, help improve their fitness for better health, and even work on their emotional state. For a quality education that includes healthy fitness-based opportunities along with academic ones, contact Rowntree Montessori School today for a tour and consultation.

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