A Day in the Life of an SEO Reseller
The average work day in the life of an Seo reseller is not all that average, really. The reseller probably spends a good portion of the day making phone calls and reaching out via email to grab new clients. But getting new business is not the reseller’s sole focus.
Each SEO reseller is a participant in every project for clients. This means the relationship does not end after a sale has been made. The reseller’s job is to communicate each stage of the SEO process to clients, acting as an intermediary between the SEO company and the client. The SEO reseller’s responsibility is to both parties, so much of the daily work involved focuses around ensuring all parties are content. So basically, the reseller acts as mediator, babysitter and even soother. He smoothes out the wrinkles as they arise in any SEO project or campaign.
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