Web slings for all kinds of lifting handling heavy materials

Companies in the material handling industry that are looking for state of the art lifting gear may want to consider looking at state of the art web slings. Web slings, like wire rope slings and lifting chains are used primarily to help securely move heavy objects that would normally be too difficult or too dangerous for a person to move on their own. The steel wires used for web slings and other rope slings are usually made from non alloy carbon steel that a carbon content that ranges between 0.4 percent to 0.95 percent .
These kind of tools have been in use for a long time. While web slings may be relatively new, the artist Leonardo da Vinci made sketches of what looks like the first steel chain in the 16th century. A Frenchman named Gull patented the Gull Chain in the 1800s that is still used today to properly hang things. More recently, steel brushing chains began to be used on bicycles, early rear wheel drive automobiles and even the propeller drive the Wright brothers used for their airplane! These days, the best company for modern web slings can incorporate the best of old and new technology for their clients.
With that in mind, those looking for a reliable supplier for web slings and other valuable safety equipment should look for a company with the necessary experience. Those businesses that have been at work for years making some of the best materials in the industry will be able to help their clients protect their equipment and their workers from harm.
The most capable companies of this kind will also be able to make recommendations to their customers. For more rugged and demanding tasks, chain slings may be the best possible choice. Web slings may not be up to the challenge that tougher chain slings are used for at steel mills and foundries. No matter what kind of chain or sling one prefers to use, they should know that they are getting it from a company that can provide them with high quality materials and customer service.
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