Microherbs and Microgreens

Microgreens are a type of specialty produce, sometimes called “micro herbs”, that encompasses any of the seedlings or tiny leaves of edible flowers, vegetables, and herbs, but they are not the same as sprouts. Sprouts are germinated in water just long enough for them to grow roots, a stem, and pale leaves, but these microgreens require at least a week of growth in soil and sunlight before they can be harvested. They are harvested less than two weeks, full of four to six times the nutrients found in full grown varieties of the vegetable, flower, or herb. These “microgreens” include basil crystals, micro cilantro, micro cucumber, micro wasabi, and more. Their advantages significantly outweigh any disadvantages, but some sources say that more studies are necessary to ascertain their exact benefits. They are lauded as the new ingredient that all cooks should try.
Other products similarly grown and produced include candied flowers, flower crystals, and more. The practice of candying flowers has been in place since medieval times, when monks preserved violets in syrup and mead. This was used to treat the cold and the flu, but candied flowers are also tasty and healthy! Flower and herb crystals, such as basil crystals, can be used easily and conveniently by cooks in their recipes. Basil crystals and other crystallized flowers and herbs are an innovative way to add depth and creativity to any dish; they are, essentially, fresh forms of the flower or herb that have been preserved in sugar, giving recipes a special crunch and “je ne sais quoi”. Other variations of microherbs are delivered to kitchens in the soil they’ve been grown in, so that they are fresh for the customer’s enjoyment. These are often used for edible garnishes on various dishes. Get more info here: www.freshorigins.com
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