What to Know When Remodeling Your Kitchen

Kitchen renovations can be tricky. What should you know before you renovate your kitchen?
How to Renovate a Kitchen
1. Plan Ahead
First and foremost, plan ahead. Kitchen renovations take time, money, and many other resources. Do not jump into the process without thinking and coming up with a plan. In fact, according to the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) you should spend up to six months making plans before renovating your kitchen.
2. Have a Back Up
It is time to face it. As you remodel your kitchen, there are times when it is not going to be of much use. It is dangerous to continue preparing and eating meals in the kitchen while dust, paint, and other potentially harmful particles are in the air.
There is an easy solution. Pick another room in the house to act as a back up while you renovate. Make sure you have a coffeemaker, toaster oven, refrigerator, and microwave in your temporary space.
3. Go Disposable
We all want to be environmentally friendly but sometimes it is just not practical. When remodeling your kitchen and making do without a dishwasher or sink area, disposable plates, cups, and silverware can save a lot of time.
While you are at it, treat yourself too. The temporary lack of a usable kitchen is a great excuse to get some take out or dine out a couple of times.
4. Know the Specifics
There are a lot of individual components and small details when remodeling your kitchen. Make sure you know all about them. For example, let us start with kitchen cabinetry.
In homes with standard to shorter ceilings or, in other words, ceilings no more than eight feet tall, cabinets that go all the way up to the ceiling work best. Having tall cabinets will provide extra storage for smaller spaces. If your ceilings reach more than eight feet tall, just make sure there are fifteen to eighteen inches of space on top your cabinets.
5. Get Help
Everyone wants a beautiful kitchen, and everyone wants to be able to say they did it on their own. But do not be afraid to get help.
So many different things go into remodeling kitchens that researching what is already out there is a great start. And there is no shortage of information. Research modern kitchen ideas. Research traditional kitchen ideas. Research designs for smaller kitchens. Then it is up to you what to do next.
Kitchen renovations can be extremely rewarding, immediately for you and your family to enjoy, and in long run when, according to Remodeling magazine, kitchen remodeling can have a ROI of up to 80 percent.
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