How to Buy Your First Motorcycle

Before you visit a Baltimore victory dealer to pick out your first motorcycle, there are a few things you should know. Though most Maryland Victory dealers will be able to make recommendations, it’s important for you to know what you’re looking for. Once you’ve passed your test and you’re feeling confident enough to buy a bike of your own, head out to a Victory Dealer Baltimore Maryland residents trust, and keep these things in mind.
Many a motorcycle shopper will swear up and down that this won’t happen to them, but the hard truth is that it probably will: you’re going to drop your bike, probably during low speed maneuvering. Many choose to deal with this sad fact by purchasing their first bike from a secondhand motorcycle dealer Baltimore Maryland has to offer, while others choose to approach the problem by looking for a lighter, more manageable bike that is less likely to drop. When visiting a Victory dealer Maryland motorcyclists should try bikes themselves to get a feeling for weight. Some dealers list the weight as it would be without petrol, oil, and fluids, while others measure ready to ride weight. The only way to know for sure is to try it out.
When visiting a Victory dealer Baltimore Maryland residents need to keep in mind what kinds of trips they’ll be using their bikes for. Sportsbikes are great for people who mostly make short bikes, but those planning to ride long distances usually prefer cruisers. They provide a more upright riding position that doesn’t hurt the wrists and a windshield.
If you’re planning to make any trips to and from the grocery store on your bike, it might be better to visit a Maryland scooter dealer. A top box for a full size bike can get quite expensive, but scooters offer under seat storage that can make the experience much easier.
Seat Height
This is definitely a try before you buy element. Any Victory dealer Baltimore Maryland has to offer who is worth his or her salt will suggest that you test this feature before buying. If you can’t get both feet on the ground at a stoplight, you’ll have a hard time keeping the bike upright. A little lean might be okay if the bike is pretty lightweight, but a heavy bike with a seat that’s too high is trouble in the making.
We don’t recommend it, but some motorcyclists regularly filter or lane split, riding their bikes between two lanes of slow or stopped traffic. If you know that you’re going to be that guy, at least spare everyone a little bit of stress and opt for a thinner bike. Medium capacity, single cylinder machines work well for filtering, as do scooters.
Buying your first motorcycle is exciting, and any Victory dealer Baltimore Maryland has to offer will be more than willing to help you pick out your ride. Before you go, though, make sure you know what you’re looking for.
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Jeremy Duncan
Victorys are real nice bikes. That’s whay I just got to replace my old Harley.
Patrick Bell
The drop is so depressing. I dropped my shiny new Triumph after two days and was heartsick about it.
Avery Silva
The drop is so depressing. I dropped my shiny new Triumph after two days and was heartsick about it.
Lonnie Hill
The drop is so depressing. I dropped my shiny new Triumph after two days and was heartsick about it.
Alexis Stanley
The drop is so depressing. I dropped my shiny new Triumph after two days and was heartsick about it.