DITY Military Moving

Research has shown that military families move on average once every three years. It is also said that moving is the third most stressful event in life, behind only death and divorce. Military moving could be due to active duty, training, base relocation, transfer within programs etc. etc. Thankfully, under the Military Dity move program, our servicemen and women are able to have some of the costs and labors of military moving accounted for.
Under the Military DITY move (Do It Yourself) program, military members can receive up to a 100 percent reimbursement of the Government Constructive Cost (GCC) of a military move. The GCC is defined as the amount the government will pay to move the member’s personal property during a government procured move. That amount is up to, but not exceeding the member’s authorized weight allowance. With DITY moves, families also receive $25,000 of insurance coverage for their belongings during military moves. The authorized weight allowance is configured by using a military DITY move calculator that is available online for military personnel.
Military moving is made much easier thanks in part to the Dity move calculator. The calculator takes into account the rank, pay rate, location and moving distance among other factors to generate a new basic pay amount, basic allowance for housing, cost of living allowance and the authorized weight allowance. This authorized weight allowance is the amount, in weight, of belongings that the government will reimburse moving transportation costs for after military moving is complete. Upon completing a military DITY move, personnel have 45 days to submit a claim for a full payment of the DITY allowance. DITY moves for military moving are an effective to relieve some of the stresses and much of the cost of inevitable moving procedures.
DITY moves are not recommend for overseas military moves, however. Procuring the means to move belongings via air or sea are additionally expensive and DITY move reimbursements may not cover as much of the costs. Rather it is recommend for oversea military moving that government assistance be applied. Regardless of whatever type of military move a serviceman or woman is about to embark on, it is always recommend to check what kind of reimbursements are available with a DITY move calculator.
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Ross Cook
Always good to know there is assistance out there for our dedicated service men and women.
Perry Harrison
Growing up in a military family, we moved around constantly. I think I had lived in six different cities by the time I was in high school. Moving cost reimbursements are so very convenient for the military family.
Kurt Kimenez
Growing up in a military family, we moved around constantly. I think I had lived in six different cities by the time I was in high school. Moving cost reimbursements are so very convenient for the military family.
Shawn Davidson
Growing up in a military family, we moved around constantly. I think I had lived in six different cities by the time I was in high school. Moving cost reimbursements are so very convenient for the military family.
Leo Hubbard
Growing up in a military family, we moved around constantly. I think I had lived in six different cities by the time I was in high school. Moving cost reimbursements are so very convenient for the military family.
Edgar Oldson
Growing up in a military family, we moved around constantly. I think I had lived in six different cities by the time I was in high school. Moving cost reimbursements are so very convenient for the military family.